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On 8/7/2011 10:17 AM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
2011/8/7 Nuno J. Silva<>:
On 2011-08-07, grfried wrote:
It is not clear to me why "Insert Cut Cells" following a previous Cut and
"Insert Copied Cells" following a previous Copy are  not available in the
right-click menu in LibreOffice Calc as they are in Microsoft Excel. I use
them very frequently to re-order a set range of rows where sort is not
appropriate. Is this the right forum for posting requests for

I don't know what these Excel functions do (can you give us a quick

If they're about not overwriting existing shells and /shift/ them
instead, that feature exists, just pick "Paste Special..."  and you can
select "Down" or "Right" in "Shift cells".

Now I guess the issue is that this isn't as efficient as just hitting a
couple keys or picking one item in the context menu, and that is a
problem if you use this frequently.

Probably not a big problem. If you selected ”Down” or ”Right” once, it
will be selected next time you use it, so it only means one extra
click more than Excel except for the first time and when you want to
change from ”Down” to ”Right” and vice versa.

This is why I read the lists.  I learned something today.

In Excel, I use "Insert Cut Cells" and "Insert Copied Cells" all the time, and that has been one big reason why I don't use OOo exclusively. (I'm on OOo v3.3.0 on WinXP, and haven't felt comfortable about moving to LO yet.)

As Nuno surmised, the OOo/LO equivalent is:
select the new location and then | Edit | Paste Special | Shift Cells Down |
which I did NOT know before reading this exchange.

Excel's process is that after you select the cells or row to be moved, you:
right-click on the target cell or row, then click "Insert cut cells"
which replaces the normal "paste" entry in the context menu. ("Insert Copied Cells" works the same way.)

So it's 2 steps in MS vs 4 in OOo. But it's VERY nice to know that OOo/LO can do this at all.

However, grfried has another point. If you want to take market-share from MS, you've got to do things like this at least conveniently as MS, if not more so. Otherwise your only market is those who can't get MS and those (like me) who are at least semi-technical and want an alternative to MS. Personally, I think that OOo/LO ought to be able to do everything that MSOffice 97 (14 years old now) could do, including convenience features. If it could, it would take a HUGE share of the market.

(I have now added the suggestion to the bugzilla list at
per Nuno's suggestion.)

-- Tim Deaton

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