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2011/8/8 grfried <>:
Here is the explanation for "insert cut cells" and "insert copied cells" as you requested.

If I cut a range of cells (usually one or more rows or columns), select a similarly shaped range 
of cells (again usually one or more row or columns), the cut cells are inserted at the selection 
and the cut region is deleted. So if I select row 10, right-click on it, then select row 20, 
right-click and select "Insert Cut cells", row 10 is deleted, rows 11 through 19 are shifted up 
one row, and the deleted row is inserted in front of row 20. "Insert Copied Cells" works 
similarly, except the original row is not deleted and rows 11 through 19 are not moved up to fill 
the gap. Instead a new row is insert in front of row 20 and the copied row pasted into row 20.

Then you can do it with LibreOffice and, but you need
to learn a new method for doing it. If not, you have three options (at
least) that I can think of:
1. Stick with Excel.
2. File a bug report (or rather a feature request).
3. Join the developer team and write a patch.

What you are asking for seems to be doable with Paste Special in, it just requires an extra mouse click (two
extra clicks the first time).

I have assumed that both OpenOffice and LibreOffice intened to do more than just be a data file 
compatible mimic of Microsoft Office 2003.

Either you or me totally missed the point there, I think. The file
compatibility (which is not complete and can never be) is, as I see
it, just a bonus, not the main feature of the whole project. If you
work with or LibreOffice, you are supposed to use the
Open Document Format and neither nor LibreOffice
intends to be a free version of MS Office.

There should be more to LibreOffice than just partial mimicry. If features like I have just 
described are not in LibreOffice Calc and also not in its macro capability then MS Excel files 
won't be read and executed properly in Calc. That would be a shame. I believe that the future of 
LibreOffice is in freezing the constant changing, but not improving, behavior of Microsoft so 
that a product such as Calc can be stable and compatible over a period of decades or forever.

I don't think there is anything you can’t do with a macro, at least
simple tasks as the one this thread seems to be about, so if you think
the Paste Special method is too complicated you can always write a
macro for it or let someone else write one for you if you are lucky.

Fortunately LibreOffice did not copy MS Office’s behaviour in every
aspect. That's why there, for example, is no MS Excel leap-year bug in
LibreOffice, nor in (1900-02-29 doesn't exist in the
real world, in LibreOffice or in, but it does in MS
Excel, as far as I have heard).


Johnny Rosenberg

---- "Nuno J. Silva [via Document Foundation Mail Archive]" 
<> wrote:

On 2011-08-07, grfried wrote:

It is not clear to me why "Insert Cut Cells" following a previous Cut and
"Insert Copied Cells" following a previous Copy are  not available in the
right-click menu in LibreOffice Calc as they are in Microsoft Excel. I use
them very frequently to re-order a set range of rows where sort is not
appropriate. Is this the right forum for posting requests for

I don't know what these Excel functions do (can you give us a quick

If they're about not overwriting existing shells and /shift/ them
instead, that feature exists, just pick "Paste Special..."  and you can
select "Down" or "Right" in "Shift cells".

Now I guess the issue is that this isn't as efficient as just hitting a
couple keys or picking one item in the context menu, and that is a
problem if you use this frequently.

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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