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Well said Stan.

On 08/05/2011 08:26 AM, Stan Goodman wrote:
On 08/05/2011 02:39 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

The new chief information officer for the federal government - White
House Chief of Information Technology - is a former Microsoft Executive
[and assistant to Bill Gates].

Since all these big wigs in Microsoft get large blocks of stock in the
company, which he most likely still has, this new guy in the White House
as a good reason to keep the government using MS products over free and
open source ones.

So I say; there goes the government's push to go open source and start
using packages like LibreOffice.

Well, MS tries to control the world's computers, and now they have a man
in the White House to control the government's computer system and other
technology to MS's favor.

The problem is not with the Chief Information Officer, buy with the Chief Community Organizer that appointed him knowing that the CIO is a MS shill, and with those who elected a know-it-all know-nothing to move into the White House.



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