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I left Ubuntu because of its new release. I would recommend LinuxMint.

 On 08/02/2011 09:04 PM, Roland Hughes wrote:
Move to OpenSuSE.  Your life will be a lot better.  Ubuntu has lost its

On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 07:00 +0300, David Nelson wrote:

Hi Juan,

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Juan Carlos<>  wrote:
I use ubuntu 10.10, which contains openoffice for default, so I had to
de-install it and download the deb packages from Also I
tried to download and install it from the PPA (ppa:libreoffice/ppa) and
occurs the same problem. Recently installed the 3.4.2 version and still
occurs the problem.
Are you ready to envision the "upgrade" to 11.04? I say "upgrade" in
quotes because my own experience with upgrading left me with a
somewhat broken system due to the roll-out of the Unity GUI as a major
change to Gnome (not an issue for you if you're a KDE or XFCE user). I
ended up totally backing-up and re-installing my system, but then
everything was back to normal.

Then you'd have an Ubuntu-integrated LibO and might have resolved the
problem. If not, you might also post to the Ubuntu user's list, too,
to see if anyone has any ideas.

But I'm not sure what issues might have crept in with the
installing/de-installing of the PPA version and installing 3.4.2 over
the top. By the way, if you install 11.04, you'll get 3.3.2, which is
not the leading edge like 3.4.2 but is perhaps a better bet for you.

David Nelson

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