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On 07/27/2011 11:44 AM, Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi Tom,

On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 18:07 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
We need to attract some devs to this project.  Preferably paid devs because
there is a bit of a quagmire trying to work out which patches have which
licences and so which cannot be incorporated into the LGPL and which can.
        Ho hum; the legal / ownership angle is not so difficult to sort out;
usually finding&  fixing the bugs is more problematic ;-)

        Your suggestion to get lots of companies to fund more developers is a
great one - but can be organisationally problematic. Ultimately I
suggest the most reliable way is to find and/or encourage new developers
to do the work. There is a great spot for someone to love&  'own' base
in the project, it's a responsible role, and we'd really appreciate
someone to do it.

   I think those researchers could move into coding or documentation after
even perhaps just 3 - 6 months with any luck.  How could we get this going
forwards before the whole Suite falls over due to the 1 app's failures?
        This is like RMS' amusing 'myth of the starving genius' :-) If there is
a serious bug that annoys enough people: particularly people that are
able to understand and build databases (which are near being programmers
anyway) - then *surely* if it matters enough, one or other of them will
start to dig into the code to fix it.

        There is no magic bullet here, or other white knights coming to fix
bugs in LibreOffice I'm afraid. If we want it done, we have to do it
ourselves. If you know what a database is, and how to use it, then you
are probable quite able to invest some time in building the latest code
and having a poke at it.
Your joking, right?

Users aren't programmers, and usually aren't even documenters. Whatever language Base is written in (C, I presume, and probably some C++?) I sure don't know it and am not going to learn it in the 20 minutes of spare time I have each day (on good days). And even if I did, you surely don't want a non-professional muddling around THIS code base, surely.

If we've come to this it's time to start looking for the lifeboats, which is basically what I'm doing today.


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