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Hi :)
We need to attract some devs to this project.  Preferably paid devs because 
there is a bit of a quagmire trying to work out which patches have which 
licences and so which cannot be incorporated into the LGPL and which can.  It 
needs people that work like devs but also people that like to research like 
documenters.  Could we get Wikipedia, Google, RedHat, Cannonical and others to 
stump up some cash for this?  Could TDF itself afford to pay for it?  I think we 
need a couple of full-time paid researchers and a paid dev to start things 
moving.  I think those researchers could move into coding or documentation after 
even perhaps just 3 - 6 months with any luck.  How could we get this going 
forwards before the whole Suite falls over due to the 1 app's failures?  

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Heinrich Stoellinger <>
To:; Tom Cloyd <>
Sent: Wed, 27 July, 2011 17:53:40
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base record access unacceptably slow

I have been using OpenOffice and now LibreOffice with BASE for a long
time. My MySQL database "serves" a windband and all the issues related
to such an animal (eg. repertoire, uniforms, members, contacts, concert
programmes, etc., etc.).
Of course my tables are small compared to what I used to see when working
with DB2 at large IBM-customers. "Big" tables might have some 30.000
tuples in them, so just looking for a particular item using a filter
such as "like name*" never takes long.
On the other hand, I have been complaining about problems using the
report writer for serial letters. Conditions based on variables in a
table are not handled correctly in the Linux 3.3.3 version (they seem
th work under Windows!!).
I REALLY depend on BASE not falling behind or on its face altogether.
So I also think that some emphasis should be place on it. Unfortunately
I neither have the knowledge nor the time to devote myself to such an
Regards from Austria
H. Stoellinger

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 18:30:46 +0200, Tom Cloyd <> wrote:


So, for 6 months, OO (I presume) and now LO (is it that old?) have been
promoting a db which doesn't work. I have over 10 full time days
invested in this, and I'm watching it fall apart in front of me,
apparently irretrievably. I understand LO has NO programmer working on
BASE, and with the lack of protest see on the list no one's using it anyway.

I'm baffled by all this. This thing is actually far more stable and
reliable than I ever experienced Access to be when I used it daily for
about 5 years. The interface designer works well. There's just not much
to be distressed by and a lot to like, looks like a dead dog.
This is sad, and perplexing, and ultimately irrational.

For me personally, it's also desperate - or rather *I* am. I'm doing
this thing to support my work with a non-profit educational group
associated with the Wikimedia Foundation (the folks who manage
Wikipedia). I only have so much time, and I've invested a lot in this
project. Now I essentially have little or nothing to show for it, right
when we're working hard against an utterly inflexible deadline.

I see no reason to hope for a fix with Base, and when my record count
doubles again, later this week, it'll take almost 5 minutes to locate a
record that's at the other end of the db, I need an alternative.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

More specifically,

1. Are there any alternative graphic interface tools that even
approximate Base's functionality (other than Access)? The last time I
looked - a number of weeks ago, I didn't come up with any equivalents.

2. How feasible is it simply to use SQL? I never done this, so I have no

Since I'm reasonable comfortable with Ruby, I'm trying to think of a way
to port this thing to a db engine that has a ruby driver (which HYPERSQL
doesn't - tells us something, doesn't it?), and do it all from a command
line. Painful thought, but better than grinding to a complete halt.

I'm eager to read people's thoughts on all this.

And thanks, Alex and Don, for your response.


On 07/27/2011 06:34 AM, Don Myers wrote:
I've used base ever since it was first offered. About 6 months ago a
Java update (I'm running Ubuntu 11.04) slowed it down to a pathetic
speed. The latest Java update didn't really help much. I was hoping it
would be fixed that update, or that the LibreOffice folks would find a

On 07/27/2011 07:03 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 27/07/11 10:16, Tom Cloyd a écrit :

Hi Tom,

Just to move the record pointer from the first to the last record takes
almost exactly 20 seconds. To do a search of the beginning of the main
text field for a 6 character string that isn't there (i.e., the engine
searches to the very end of the table) takes 2 minutes and 5 seconds.
You can imagine how long it takes to locate and update 10 records. This
is the worst performance I've ever seen in a database, period.
Unfortunately, you are not the first, and no doubt the last either, to
report performance issues using the Base with integrated hsqldb. The
problem is not hsqldb, which actually on its own performs quite well,
but the manner in which Base loads everything into memory to be able to

You could try issuing a SHUTDOWN COMPACT command from the Tools>  SQL
dialog, then saving and closing your ODB file before re-opening it


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