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Would you really want someone else to decide what is best for your system?

How about the question - if the next update has issues and you did not have a say when and if you are to update your system with that update?

I use Ubuntu and I have the system check for the updates - automatically - but I choose what updates I will install and when.

I would love for LibreOffice to notify me of an update, but I do not want it to do the updating for me.

Actually a few weeks ago, I had Thunderbird crash and burn when it was updated - semi-automatically. I had to do a lot of work to get it working again. I do not want to go through that type of thing again.

Next question is what if the update file is corrupted during download or something goes wrong during the updating process?

I may be paranoid about this issue, but I have had some bad experiences when my choices were limited or taken from me.

Actually with the "full install method" instead of auto-updating, I can decide which version to install, or kept installed, until I change my mind.

On 07/16/2011 05:46 PM, Roland Hughes wrote:
It only works on Windows, the most insecure platform on the planet.

Every other platform requires updates to be pushed through their normal
distribution system.

On Sat, 2011-07-16 at 17:13 -0400, Paul W wrote:

I think one day LO will have auto update. I guess it requires more resources
than they can handle right now?...

On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak<>  wrote:

On 07/16/2011 04:18 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

2011/7/16 Paul W<>:

Does LibreOffice automatically update itself? If not that's a suggestion.
Again, like firefox. It's about time this great FOSS project went big
I'd like to see this thing take over. That requires a seamless,
user experience.

That will never happen. It's like banging your head into a brick-wall
when making suggestions. You will probably be told that you are
stupid, coming up with a suggestion like that…

I'll be happy if I am wrong, though.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

I think that I just read:

"I am not saying that you are an idiot, but when you do that, you are
likely to be called one".

I almost soiled myself.

I expected to see an answer more like:

Automatic update is difficult to get right, and it frequently fails for me.
Yes, even with Firefox. Lately, firefox has been pretty reliable in the last
few months, but in the past year, I have had it fail to update automatically
on multiple platforms.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:**AndrewMacro.odt<>

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