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On 7/15/2011 2:10 PM, John B wrote:
Dear Regina

You are a cruel person;-) , I downloaded the documents from OASIS you suggested, to find over 1,500 pages.

The first 150 pages is just the Index, (it needs an index to the Index) You must think I am "Sheldon Cooper".

Do you think you could reduce it to say 3 paragraphs, with pop ups and an area for me to colour in!.

It needs a better Outline at the beginning, to understand the purpose and the overall rationale for a 1st time reader.

I notice that it is all >:- Copyright © OASIS Open 2002 - 2011 < How does that effect "The Document Foundation"? - where is the DF.

I am not sure how anyone (Excluding Sheldon Cooper! ) could remember the entire contents to formulate whether its a new bug, an old bug or from, "We like it this way" to "There is nobody who can change it".


John B
Regina is not a cruel person for giving you an accurate and complete answer. You received a valid answer to the question you posed. You were never told to download and read the standard. It is entirely your choice what to do with the information given.

Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

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