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That would be a viciously short sighted opinion, but consistent with
bottom posting.

On Wed, 2011-07-13 at 10:32 +0200, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 12.07.2011 18:46, Shane Van Loenen wrote:
I could not find a place on the website to list a feature request, so
I will try here.  Open Office and Libre Office are great tools that
can be used in the enterprise, but since there is not an e-mail
client, my org will gravitate back to MS.  Anyway to integrate
Evolution (or like) into Libre offcie?



This office suite serves one single main purpose. It is the reference 
implementation of the ODF standard.
It creates office documents in the ODF file formats (*.odt, *.ods, 
*.odp) which can be read by a wide variety of programs for decades to 
come without too heavy technical problems and without any legal issues.

Document creation has nothing to do with web-content nor email. Neither 
web-content nor email suffer from proprietary file formats.

Whatever your preferred email program has to offer, it is unrelated to 
document creation.
LibreOffice should be able to cooperate with your prefered mail program 
in 3 ways:
1) When you click on a mail hyperlink your mail application should start 
up with a new email and the clicked mail address in the receipient field.
2) When you call menu:File>Send>Email your mail application should start 
with a new email and the current document attatched in ODF, Microsoft or 
PDF format.
3) You should be able to use the address lists of your email application 
for serial letters where you send the same letter to a list of 
receipients. The list will be read from the address book of your mail 

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions

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