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Hi :)
would be my vote for how this all works.  I've not really tried it but hopefully 
it works that way for several email clients possibly including the proprietary 
"The Bat".  I tend to prefer OpenSource programs such as Thunderbird or Claws 
and suspect that Thunderbird is the most likely one to work well.  Evo has a 
surprisingly small team and would probably welcome more devs.  It would 
certainly be good to support them better.  

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Andreas Säger <>
Sent: Wed, 13 July, 2011 9:32:05
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Feature Request :Evolution

<snip />

Whatever your preferred email program has to offer, it is unrelated to document 
LibreOffice should be able to cooperate with your preferred mail program in 3 
1) When you click on a mail hyper-link your mail application should start up 
with a new email and the clicked mail address in the recipient field.
2) When you call menu:File>Send>Email your mail application should start with a 
new email and the current document attached in ODF, Microsoft or PDF format.
3) You should be able to use the address lists of your email application for 
serial letters where you send the same letter to a list of recipients. The list 
will be read from the address book of your mail application.
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