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Hi Jean :)
Thanks :)  I had already forwarded your previous post but got a bit swamped at 
work today and forgot to let anyone know i had done that.  

I'm not great at writing documentation but i think i am just about able to point 
people in roughly the right direction sometimes.  It's difficult to cope with 
the flood of emails in the users list and there are already quite a few of good 
people answering questions well, even if we don't always agree with each other.  
This Impress question was unusual and i thought the docs team might have the 
best answers for it.  

Regards from
Tom :)

----- Original Message ----
From: Jean Weber <>
Sent: Thu, 30 June, 2011 23:15:19
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Fw: [libreoffice-users] Impress, 
Master Slides and Custom Animations

Forgot to say... LibreOffice may have some extra functionality in this
area  that OOo lacks (I don't know). It's one of the things that
someone needs to  verify when updating the OOo Impress Guide for LibO.

Tom, I'm not  subscribed to the users list, and won't do so until late
July (after my  upcoming trip), so you may want to pass my notes on to
that list if you  haven't already done so.


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 22:24,  Jean Hollis Weber <> wrote:
If  I understand the question correctly, what he wants to do is possible
in  LO. However, if he is saving in a PowerPoint format instead of ODP,
that  could be the problem. Some things don't save to PPT properly; I
don't  remember if these effects are among them.

I don't think what he  wants is done using Master pages, but in the show
itself. (But I don't  use Impress much, so I could be wrong.) Animations
and transitions are  covered in Chapter 9, Slide Shows, in the Impress
Guide. Impress Guide  is in draft form in Alfresco; AFAIK, that chapter
has not yet been  updated for LibreOffice, so he could get the OOo
version of the same  chapter here:


On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 12:58 +0100, Tom Davies  wrote:
Hi :)
Another person that has not subscribed to  the Documentation Mailing List, 
Regards from
Tom  :)

----- Forwarded Message ----
 From: tpe <>
 Sent: Thu, 30 June, 2011 7:56:58
Subject: [libreoffice-users]  Impress, Master Slides and Custom Animations

I have an extremely urgent support request!
I need  to create a presentation by Friday. I have selected the template,  
elements etc. But, I have to add transition between each text  Outlines and
each page. It's very easy to add page transition  effects. But, so far I 
not managed to add automatic custom  effect in text transitions (with 
For example, let's say that  I have in page the following format:

    Text  1
    Text 2
    Text 3

I want  to present the elements as
Text 1, then I click the mouse, Text 2  click the mount Text 3 etc.
In MS PowerPoint this is done via Master  pages.
I tried the same on LO 3.3:
Edit the Slide  Master, modified the fonts etc. Then, I tried to add a 
 animation in each element
But with no success.
First of  all, it seems that any effect is named: Outline Text 1: Click 
 Second: Even If I accept the fact than there seems to be no way to add  an
effect for Outline 2 etc, I save and show the presentation. But,  instead 
a page transition then a blank page that requires a click  from me to 
the 1st element, I see ALL  elements.

So, is it possible to do that in  LO?

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