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On 06/22/2011 12:09 PM, lee wrote:
webmaster for Kracked Press Productions<>

On 06/22/2011 09:21 AM, lee wrote:
Asterix<>   writes:

In all the different Linux distro's I installed none seems to support the
synonym function.
There are packages in Debian testing you can install to add support for
quite a number of languages in LO.

There´s the package "mythes-fr" that seems to provide the thesaurus for
French, for example.

Is that the way to get OOo New Thesaurus? or is it something else?
I think installing this package is one way to add thesaurus support to
LO in Debian.

I do not know really, since I never had OOo on this Ubuntu install and I saw OOo New Thesaurus in my Writing Aids list, along with the Hunspell spellchecker. I did not see any differences when I ran the MyThres-en .deb install to add that "support".

There are openoffice-* packages depending on the mythes-* packages
described as intermittent packages to support the switching from
openoffice to libreoffice:

,---- [ lee@yun:~$ apt-cache show ]
| Package:
| Source:
| Version: 1:3.3.0-10
| Installed-Size: 152
| Maintainer: Debian LibreOffice Maintainers<>
| Architecture: all
| Depends: mythes-fr
| Description: French Thesaurus for LibreOffice/
|  This is a transitional package, replacing the packaging
|  with the LibreOffice packaging.
|  .
|  It can be safely removed after an upgrade.
| [...]

This is a MySpell system and I have a Hunspell spellchecker installed.
You have two different spell checkers installed? Can you use both with

I am told that Hunspell is based on Myspell, but I do not know the difference.
I download the .deb I found for the mythes-en files, and installed it.
I did not see any difference.  I did not reboot my Ubuntu 10.04 system
Rebooting shouldn´t be required; restarting LO should suffice. I don´t
have any thesauri packages installed, so I don´t know. I´d expect them
to just work out of the box.
Some of the English dictionaries have thesaurus built in, according to the Extension Manager's listing for them.

What comes "out-of-the-box", I do not know, since I have many extension installed post-install of LibreOffice 3.3.x.

So it will depend on the language you have as your default installation, and the language packs that are installed. Then if you install all the proper name, medical, and other dictionary/writing-aid extension, you get a lot of writing aid option to work with. I have many that I have as my default group, with many more locally to choose from, if needed.

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