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I do not have any OOo installs, any more, in my archives, but I am keeping all the LibreOffice installs for a bit.

Since I deal with handing out DVDs, I want to keep the option of having earlier versions, just in case the current version has a bug that messes with something that worked with an earlier version. I will wait till 3.4.1 before handing out that version, but will use 3.3.x for any business or any non computer literate person to use.

3.3.x line for most stable
3.4.x line for cutting edge
till the last 3.3.x version out late this year and 3.5.x coming out in Feb. 2012.

I currently use 3.3.3 for Ubuntu/.deb 64-bit and Windows Vista 32-bit.

On 06/22/2011 12:52 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
2011/6/21 Tom Davies<>:
Hi :)
The 3.3.x series is the stable series with a years worth of support.  It's for
corporate use and for places where re-installs and bug-fixing is not really a
good choice.  The 3.4.x series is the testing/development branch and tends to
have extra functionality and new features.

A lot of OpenSource projects work this way.
Yes, I know, like GIMP, but they do it the other way around: Even
numbers for stable releases, like 2.6. I just didn't know that the
LibreOffice developers do that too, since the people


Johnny Rosenberg

  With the linux kernel it's the odd
numbers that were going to be testing/development branch.  The 2.6.xx.whatever,
is meant to be stable.  Ubuntu is a little different in having an "LTS" release
every 2 years with 3 years support.  Debian has a stable and separate testing
and development branches.  SliTaz call their's a "cooking" release.  RedHat use
a separate distro, Fedora, for testing interesting ideas.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Johnny Rosenberg<>
Sent: Tue, 21 June, 2011 18:04:43
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice 3.3.3 is ready for download

Why is there a 3.3.3 when 3.4.0 was released a while ago? Apart from
the incredible amount of bugs in 3.4.0…


Johnny Rosenberg

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