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No, no. It's an excellent free replacement and far superior to MS' Add/Remove, 
IMO. You can download it at the link below and install just like any other app. 
After clicking the link, be careful to not choose the 30-day free trial of the 
"Pro" version -- you don't really need it..well, unless you're needing to put 
your wallet on a diet. :-)  Instead, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 
on the FREE download button. Works great on Win-XP and Vista. If your OS is 
otherwise, check requirements at the link before downloading. HTH!

I'm so busy, I don't know whether I found a rope or lost my horse!
 <>< Earl 


From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <>
Sent: Tue, June 21, 2011 8:40:28 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice 3.3.3 is ready for download

On 06/21/2011 01:19 AM, planas wrote:

On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 19:16 -0700, Earl Melton wrote:

I used Revo Uninstaller to remove my 3.2 (or was it 3.3.2?) on Win-7. It  
with the progress bar at about 80% of completion for over two  hours, never
moving further. In the selection window (similar to Control  Panel Add/Remove
window), I saw that I had told it to uninstall the  main program and that the
Help module (or whatever it was called) had  not started. On a whim, I 
another instance of RU and told it to  uninstall the help section. I chose 
slowest, most thorough number 4  setting for both uninstalls. Long story 
-- it then completely  uninstalled both 'halves' in about a minute and I'm 
to DL the  3.3.3 final and install it.

Don't know if this'll help anyone else, but it [apparently] needs to remove 
help files first. Hopefully the new install will  go smoothly. I have never
experienced a problem installing either OOo or my first shot at LibO.
I'm so busy, I don't know whether I found a rope or lost my horse!
  <><  Earl



Thanks for the info though.  If I have any problems with friends' computer with 
Win-7 and LO installs, I will remember your "trick".

I do not use Win-7, so this may be a stupid question.  So is "Revo Uninstaller" 
the replacement for add/remove programs in the XP and Vista Control Panel?  Or 
is it some other uninstall program that can be used?

Since I never had any real install issues with OOo or LO, except one OOo version 
where the JRE bombed out every time, so I never had to use an uninstall program 
to remove OOo or LO on a Windows computer.  Actually I had to do that with 
"beta" and "RC#" version, but that does not count.

The error dialogs came up with 3.3.3 on Vista, but they were talking about .NET 
issues and by saying "OK" or "YES", the install went though fine.

Now on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I sometimes have to do a "purge" for versions, but that 
is issues on my system, not LibreOffice issues.
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