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On 6/2/11 6:19 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
On 2011-06-02 8:14 AM, Ken Springer wrote:
Well...  Please don't take this personally, but I'm sitting here laughing!

Not at all, I've been laughing at this ridiculous discussion for days
now... ;)

Good. I learned within two weeks of being online, so many years ago, how easy it is to misunderstand the written word, I try to be careful and write as clearly as I can, yet fail every now and again! :-)

I'd never noticed that netiquette link at the bottom of the page.  Maybe
that's not the best way for TDF to get info out.  After all, is the
reader of new messages going to read the sig files for each and every
message to see if there is new information?  It might be a major
assumption to think a lot of readers even read the sig file in the first

That is the problem - most people/users simply don't read...

My only question is - whose fault is that?

I rarely read signature files, usually there's nothing there that is of value to the discussion. Mine is an example of that for this thread. In my case, I list the open source software I'm using in case that information is useful to someone who is trying to help me with a problem. Saves me time and may possibly lead to the solution to the problem.

Even the Netiquette pages acknowledge the issue of people possibly not reading the entire message and/or signature files:

From, Section 2.1, third paragraph:

"It is not uncommon that people do not even read the entire article - who wants to read the entire text *again* in search of something new? "

From, Section 2.2, second paragraph:

"In general, signatures have nothing to do with the context of the article, and usually you are not going to refer to the poster's signature."

So... In a way... Even TDF is putting netiquette information in a portion of the message they acknowledge most people aren't going to read. :-)

Personally, I did find the pages to be unclear about interspersing a reply as I have done, as opposed to placing the entire reply after the message. And it's noted, I'm reading an English translation of a document written in German.


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