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Rob Smith <> typed:
I have never seen so many so-called adults whining like
bullied kids over a subject that, in the greater scheme
of the next Millenia doesn't mean squat! I used to use a
KayPro 16 to compute on, and even accessed a BBS with it
using a 9600 Baud modem. Would I do so today because
that's how it used to be done? Not a chance!

Most of the younger folks I know (I'm a dinosaur at
almost 60) top post by default, because in a Microsoft
world, that is what they learned. Right, wrong, or
indifferent, it's the way things are today. If you want
to go back to the way things were done "in the good old
days," I hate to break it to you, but time always moves
forward, and the only constant is change.

If you truly believe that limiting access to the Open
Source community only to folks who do things in one
particular way will grow that community, you might want
to get a reality check. If you think that all this
infighting will help the community grow, you are wrong.
If you cannot adapt and change today, you will be left in
the dust with the rest of computing's dinosaurs.

After recently hearing a talk on LibreOffice at an Open
Source software conference, I decided to give it a try,
replacing the OpenOffice install that came standard on my
Ubuntu Linux LTS desktops. I joined this list in case I
would need some assistance with an issue. I have seen
more petty bickering on this one non-issue over the past
several days than I have seen people helped.

I've always been led to believe that Open Source was all
about freedom, but there are some folks here who just
don't seem to give a damn about that, and their main
focus is to make sure that all the automatons do as they
are told.

Unlike some, I DO know how to unsubscribe, and I also
know how to uninstall, both of which I am going to do!
There are other choices out there, and LibreOffice needs
users more then users need LibreOffice. THAT is the fact


Rob Smith

LOL, I hope the door misses his ass on the way out!

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