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I am wondering why the 64-bit DEB and X86 DEB versions of LibreOffice that states it is a "Final" version still has the files named as RC2?

I know that that was the last Release Copy and is the same as the final version, but with the RC2 label still on it, it looks like a "non-finalized" version.

LO 3.3.2 final is dated 2011-03-22 on the download page, while the DEB 64-bit is dated 16 March 2011. x86 is marked 15 March 2011. That would/could throw a few IT people off as well.

How difficult would it be to make the DEB version not have file names that use RC2 in it?

The RPM version do not have RC2 in their file names. So I think that someone just either forgot or did not think anyone would care. Business people may care a lot. We want business people to use LibreOffice so these things should be something that business IT people would wonder about. Yes most business users will be using Windows, but not all.

I am not being a pain in the ------ but since it is May 4th, it would come to reason that any Final version of LO would no longer be listed as an RC version.

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