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I had this same thing. The document font was arial on both machines. But I found the arial fonts were not the same. I copied the arial font from the first machine to the second machine (deleting and replacing the font) and the layout was then the same.

On 29/03/11 7:13 AM, Mark Stanton wrote:
I have a document that spans two pages when viewed/edited on one
computer but is only one page when viewed/edited from the other
computer on my network.

All the page settings appear the same when viewed from either
computer (how could they be different?)

Can there be any personal settings influencing this?  That's the only
(sensible) reason I can think of for the discrepancy, but I haven't
been able to find any.

Additionally, when printed from the computer that (correctly) shows
the document as being only one page, LO prints a second, blank, page
for each correct page of the document (when it's mail merged).

There are frames on the page and this/these seem to be rendered
differently on each computer.  I started to check their options and
they appeared to be the same, but of course they do, it's the same
file!  How can there be a difference in rendering?

Is this a known issue?  If not I'll post it and the example file as a
bug report, but I thought I'd ask here first.

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

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