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On 2011-02-18 3:19 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Obviously this list feels it more important to make rules to make it
more difficult for first time users, to ask them to post in a way
that is completely opposite to what they use everywhere else with
everyone else they might communicate with in the course of a working

Not at all...

When people ask for help this list expects them to stop and read a
list of rules and then re-configure their set-up in order to ask the


1. there is no quoted text when someone asks their question initially -
unless they hijack someone else's thread, which is another no-no on
*any* mail list, and

2. there is no need to reconfigure anything, only a need to take an
extra few seconds to position the cursor and delete unwanted/unnecessary

If they use MicroSoft Outlook or Yahoo then they will be told to use
a different email client for this list and probably told to set-up
a different email address too.

More asinine ridiculousness, Tom, and you're being disingenuous to boot..

I had suggested possibly using a *real* mail client when it became clear
that you were using Yahoo's WEBMAIL client, NOT OUTLOOK.

Sorry, Tom, you have lost all credibility on this subject - you have
made it abundantly clear by your words and actions that you are simply
too damn lazy and arrogant to even consider that you should take a few
extra seconds out of your
oh-so-much-more-valuable-time-than-everyone-else's to abide by a simple
and politely worded request.

Bite me.


Best regards,


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