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HI :)

Snips are good.  Staying relevant is important :)

I think rtf is inferior to odt.  The newer versions of MicroSquish Office (2007 
& 2010) can both read "odt" now and odt is the one worth promoting most strongly 

I can hopefully send some documents tomorrow (Thursday) when i work on the
website.  Something with pictures but no macros and in various formats?  Short 1 
or 2 page documents or long, research articles? 

Would documents need to have been done through LibreOffice?  I am still using an 
older version of OpenOffice (still has the Sun logo) at the moment.  I am just 
waiting for the .deb to reach the Ubuntu repos or at least be easy to install.

Many regards from
Tom :)

From: shirish शिरीष <>
Sent: Wed, 22 December, 2010 8:30:18
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] The RTF export and import stuff

In-line :-

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 13:26, Tom Davies <> wrote:
Hi :)
HI Tom,
          Sorry for snipping all your stuff out but you were going
where its not needed. I already know the pros of using .rtf . That is
not the issue. Lemme tell where I'm going with this :-

In a few days from now, we would be having some conference on free
culture and knowledge and possibility of getting a booth stand where
we can show off some GNU/Linux stuff. I/We were thinking of showing
off Libreoffice (even though its at an RC stage) to people and educate
them about (somewhat alternative) file formats.

I was unaware before reading the blog and reading the work which
happened in GSOC  this year that .rtf has had all those possibilities
if Microsoft hadn't abandoned it for their own reasons.

My debate is not about what they did or not. What I'm looking for is
showing off some sample ready-made .rtf's so people have an idea of
how it is and what works and how. Also would be doing some
experimentation with different text-editors both on GNU/Linux and
perhaps also on MS-Windows as to how easy or not they are to read.
Possibly many free/many open-source text-editors may show it properly
or not and then I have a chance to bug them about putting some support
in (just in case) .

I do understand the issue of .doc and .docx and the whole macro
viruses issues. I never had them but they were one of the primary
reasons for me moving away from MS in the first place.

It would be a good idea for Libreoffice in general to have some sort
of either community show-off or developers show off with example
documents which motivates people to participate more.

Hoping this makes things bit clearer for you and the community at large.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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