The quick starter is there by default, so I use it, but LO and Ooo take
forever to start vs. the other suite in Windows. One thing I like about
the quick starter is that it gives me one button to have on my desktop
and it's a good as a jumping off point for non-application-centric
documents which, I think, is one of the LO goals.
I find LO and OOO just fine for my one-person business and my
associations work. Its interchangeability with MSWord is fine for simple
things, but not great for complex documents. I do have the home/student
version of Word 2010 which saved the day for something my son had done
in Word 2003 that wouldn't open any more and wouldn't open in LO either.
It was too complex with text boxes, etc.
Writer - 40%
Calc - 40%
Impress - 13 %
Base - 3 %
Math - 2 %
Draw - 2 %
I am used to Visio and will continue to use an aging version of it, but
I don't find Draw an easy substitute for quick drawing as compared with
the Visio stencils.
I am trying to live in an open source environment and feel that LO/OOO
certainly meet my needs for business work. Thunderbird is working well
for email, and Firefox is working well as a browser (except for the
websites that require Internet Explorer, but that's now part of the OS
I am heavily invested in Samplitude Pro for audio and PhotoShop CS5 and
PhotoShop Lightroom and don't see moving any of those to Open Source
anytime soon.
I am enjoying Carte du ciel as a replacement on the Win 7 machine for
the aging SkyMap that I bought back in Win3.1 days. Stellarium has some
good features for showing the sky to my family, but Cdc is a much much
better mapping program.
That's it for my open source transition--more or less. LO is a key
On 2010-11-28 1:09 PM, Sebastian G. <bastik> wrote:
I'd like to know which components are most used and maybe why others
are not. If you used OpenOffice before you can include your usage data
as well.
Do you use the quick starter?
Richard L. Hess email:
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Survey: Usage of LibreOffice components (continued)
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