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On 12/06/2024 16:22, Justin Luth wrote:
> You need to get out of marketing mode.

Well, this is the marketing list :-)

FRESH is still only suitable for early adopters.

OK, but that raises the question then of whether we should even offer it prominently on the download page, or as the first option. In your view, should we then offer the "branch formerly known as still" first?

It shouldn't be that hard for people to choose.

Sure, but it is, which is why we get questions and want to improve the wording. Many people don't know what a "technology enthusiast" is, for instance, or have a very different interpretation of it.

Use the FRESH version if you want to help
the community improve the product by testing and bug reporting.

We already encourage (technically-minded) users to help test during the development cycle: alpha, beta, release candidates etc. So we have to be careful, not that we imply: Thanks for helping to test all during the development cycle and RCs! But even though we've released it, it's still not ready and needs more testing.


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