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On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 10:52 AM Mike Saunders
<> wrote:

Hi everyone,
So it's a bit of fun, and people take home a reminder that they can
contribute. But what else can we offer on our stand? For instance:

* (rain) covers for bicycle seats
* microfiber cloth to clean your screen or glasses.

And not sure about environmental friendly, but I really like the
mini-sprayers to be used with hand-sanitizer or just plain water in
the hotter season or cleaning solution for your screen,...

also was thinking about custom guitar picks in the past, but e.g.
jimdunlop only offers custom designs for personal use/explicitly tells
not for reselling - and of course pretty personal choice to begin

logistically difficult are tissue packs (but might be viable for special events)

Also useful are shopping-cart coins (well, no idea how common that is
in other countries)

microfiber cleaning cloths should be pretty easy & generally useful no
matter the season.


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