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Hi Jonathon,

On 20.07.23 19:42, jonathon wrote:

Back in the days of OOo, there was a marketing proposal with the slogan:
"Your language, your documents, your way"

Part of the idea was that the UI and spellchecking were available in more languages than MSO. I no longer track such things, but I suspect that LibO still covers more languages than MSO does, as far as UI, spell-checking, and grammar checking go.

Yes, that's definitely still the case.

There are three or four instances in which a user can provide their documents to a third party, without realising that they are doing so. The biggest culprit being the built-in Language-Tool settings;

Good point, but this is not enabled by default, so I think we can still point out how LibreOffice is out-of-the-box, much like OpenBSD does:

"Only two remote holes in the default install, in a heck of a long time!"

From my perspective, the AI extensions for stock LibO haven't been that impressive.

I believe there will be a talk about improvements to these extensions at the LibreOffice Conference 2023, so see if you can join! If not, we're hoping to live-stream the talks -- and in any case, videos will be available after the event:


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