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Mike Saunder wrote:

I think the big "NO" is effective on social media here, attracting attention. So how about a variant on this image, confirming that LibreOffice doesn't "mine" any data or do anything with AI?

Back in the days of OOo, there was a marketing proposal with the slogan:
"Your language, your documents, your way"

Part of the idea was that the UI and spellchecking were available in more languages than MSO. I no longer track such things, but I suspect that LibO still covers more languages than MSO does, as far as UI, spell-checking, and grammar checking go. I suspect that MSO and LibO can write the same number of languages.

Your documents meant that the data on your system stayed on your system, unless you deliberatly provide it to third parties.

There are three or four instances in which a user can provide their documents to a third party, without realising that they are doing so. The biggest culprit being the built-in Language-Tool settings; IIRC, the other culprits require the user to install the extension that does that data transmission.

With the appropriate configuration settings, copying data from one document to another can be problematic. As in, LibO simply sits there, saying copying is not possible, except it displays a much more cryptic message. Unfortunately, that security setting doesn't extend to not unintentionally send your documents to a third party.

Your way refers to the degree of customisation that is possible.
Extensions, templates, and similar things.
(In my mind I go back to a proposed commercial,depicting the office manager onboarding a new employee. As each employee is introduced to the new hire, the camera pans over the employees computer screen. The software is obviously LibO, but every monitor has a different writing system, and every computer uses a different data input system. On the manager's desk is a moon printer.)

Of course, some people find AI/LLM tools useful in the context of office software, so we shouldn't try to simply paint them as bad.

From my perspective, the AI extensions for stock LibO haven't been that impressive. OTOH,for those that went to trouble of downloading the code, tweaking it, and adding the requistite modifications, the AI tools have been extremely impressive --- if your desktop has enough RAM, drive space, graphics chips, and multiprocessor chips. (20+ TB drives, and 256+ GB RAM, etc.)

But stress that LibreOffice does nothing with your content, except let you work on it.


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