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Hi everyone,

Check out this post on Reddit:

Someone is asking whether LibreOffice "collects user data for AI". We've had similar questions on social media as well, so perhaps we can make a marketing campaign out of this?

For instance, in the last few years we've used this image to highlight the fact that LibreOffice doesn't require subscriptions to anything:

I think the big "NO" is effective on social media here, attracting attention. So how about a variant on this image, confirming that LibreOffice doesn't "mine" any data or do anything with AI?

Of course, some people find AI/LLM tools useful in the context of office software, so we shouldn't try to simply paint them as bad. But stress that LibreOffice does nothing with your content, except let you work on it.

Thanks in advance for any ideas/feedback!

Mike Saunders, Marketing and Community Coordinator
The Document Foundation

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