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On 5/30/23 5:28 AM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
On 30/05/23 10:19, Stephan Bergmann wrote:

* How does the new versioning scheme fit with the current setup of
having two parallel streams of "fresh" (currently LO 7.5.3) and
"still" (currently LO 7.4.7) versions?

We will announce the change explaining in detail what will happen in
the interim period (i.e. when we will have the 2024.2 and the 7.6

Italo, you have now communicated two different names for the "new"
process. Originally you said it was "24.2", but here you have noted it
as 2024.2. Please clarify.

I don't see any problem whatsoever with the shorter 24.2. I'm quite sure
the project will be able to transition to the latest versioning fad
before 2099.

By the way, I think that the distinction between "fresh" and "still"
is now obsolete and can be deprecated.

Unfortunately, that is wishful marketing speak. Regressions are still a
huge concern. The distinction is absolutely relevant, and always will be.

But in regards to Stephan's still/fresh question, I wouldn't expect any
change here. When 24.2.0 - 24.2.4 are released, they should be
"fresh/beta+/enthusiast/bleeding edge" and when 24.2.5 - 24.2.7 are
released they are "still/stable/safe(r)". That third-digit aspect is no
longer a marketing concern but a technical consideration. If there are
intentions to overturn the release plan for 24.2, that needs to be
communicated/debated soon. I was expecting to see the release plan
updated next week... So I hope that Italo meant to communicate "when we
have started 24.2 development and released 7.6.0" - meaning August 2023
at the very latest.


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