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Good evening LO-Marketing Team,

I'd like to introduce myself - but before I do that, I'd like to comment you folks on the great work @ LO ... I am a heavy user for a couple of years now on WIN, Linux and mac OS - and I like it a lot(!).

But who am I? I go by the online handle "Harry Silverlion" am currently employed as an IT-Instructor and Admin at an educational facility where I use LO to create workbooks to be filled out on a tablet.

A little bit about myself: turning 40 this year, have had the chair of marketing @ one of the *buntu distributions, did work as a media spokes person for a regional club in sports and got some insights into journalism during several internships as news reporter / radio host.

I'd love to connect and see how my very(!) basic skills of layouting / video editing / writing can be helpful for the TDF.

that'll suffice for the moment - oh wait: I should mention that I am located in the western Part of GER (currently UTC + 2).

If there are any types of questions please do not hesitate to approach and fire away.

Stay safe and healthy!


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