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On 2020/10/20 09:18, kainz.a wrote:

It would be glad if ReadHat as they support the development work of LibO
can ship a edition like:
LibreOffice Enterprise by ReadHat

Some of the third party vendors that provide paid support, do have a
line along those lines, in the about screen of their edition.

One vendor provided a phone number, with the notation that all calls to
that number resulted in a charge to their phone, for the paid support
that it provided, in the about screen of their edition.


I understand the position of the third party vendors that want/need
enterprise level clients. However, going forward, it is the SOHOs that
will want desktop support for LibreOffice, etc.
Unfortunately, 10 seats and profit are, for enterprise focused support
vendors, mutually exclusive concepts.

Virtually every organisation with more than 10 seats, either has, or is
going to switch to Office365, or a competitor.
TLAs might not go cloud only, but the odds of them outsourcing office
support is minimal.
FWIW, the last time I tried a Linux spin that was produced by a TLA, it
had done some major customization of LibreOffice --- to the point that
the support would be pretty much only available from the TLA that
produced it.
(An oddity about the US, is that the TLAs seem to be required to
distributed their private Linux spins, on a website available to the
general public.)


^1: If an enterprise focused Support Vendor can place Tier 1 support in
a call centre in Namibia, or another country with a low cost of living,
then 5 seat SOHO support might be profitable. (Namibia has the virtue of
L1 speakers of both English and, and with roughly 3 months training, L2
Dutch speakers. L2 French, Italian, Portuguese, and Italian speakers
requires roughly five months of training. (This is from a call centre in
either Walvis Baai, or Windhoek, that was trying to persuade me to use
their services.)
I don't know the current laws related to 900# service in North America,
or if something similar is available in other countries. That is paid
support route that could be looked into. (From my perspective, the worst
case scenario is when somebody sends a message to one of the mailing
lists, or ask-bot, a reply to the effect of, "Please call 900-555-1212
for paid support. That phone call will cost you US$25.00 + US$2.00/minute.)


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