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Hi Drew,

On 21/01/2019 17:35, Drew Jensen wrote:
Collabora and AMD are both on the TDF Advisory Board, I believe, so perhaps

        Hmm; I forget if AMD is still there.

Multi-core threading support in the LibreOffice calculation engine is the
result of engineering work lead by a core team at TDF Advisory Board
members Collabora Ltd., Tor Lillqvist, Luboš Luňák & Dennis Francis, and
Applied Micro Devices (AMD).

        Collabora Productivity Limited - if we want a proper name - I'd just
use 'Collabora' for the group.

I assume it would be acceptable to use the Logos from Collabora and AMD for
the graphic element of that screen?

        Fine by me for Collabora's

        Sorry for the ultra-slow reply; I really value a CC but TDF's lists do
reply-to-mangling and drop that (sadly) which means I have to poll the
marketing list from time to time & remember threads to look for replies.

        Thanks for the great work here,



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