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Hi Drew,

On 14/01/2019 07:40, Drew Jensen wrote:

So a real first draft, I put the two runs one after so the run length went
to 1:13

This is great -- thanks for creating it! Videos like these are really
useful to show under-the-hood improvements in LibreOffice in a more
understandable way.
The sound track is not quite right, some popping with the car engine mix,
but you get the idea.

Yeah, the popping is an issue, but I like the idea with the engine. My
two suggesions would be:

1) A bit of info at the start, providing some context -- eg "LibreOffice
6.2 includes calculation threading, which boosts performance". Followed
by: "Let's see it in action, on a complicated spreadsheet" (I don't
think you need to mention that it's about energy markets in different
countries -- that's just extra info that could potentially confuse
viewers, IMO)

2) At the end, a quick summary ("So LibreOffice 6.2 uses all CPU cores
more effectively, for a big speed boost!"), and some crediting to the
developer(s) and their affiliation as well. I can't find much about
threading at though...

So what do you think of those ideas? When we have a final video, I can
spread it on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit etc. :-)


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