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Hi Sidorela, all,

Sidorela Uku wrote on 1/14/19 8:19 PM:

On the next steps, some changes to do:
- we need to add 'cookie policy' and maybe also 'privacy policy'
- manage translations. From the link I shared we can translate by
editing the code files. We will have a look maybe to use a translation
platform, to make it easier for community to get involved.
- Improve design and graphics. Replace LO logo and favicon.

Those are some notes weworked with these days.

In terms of next steps, would be nice if we worked back and forth on
this for the next weeks untill January and transfer the code to an
official TDF or LibreOffice owned git repo with the ultimate goal of
going live in February.

What do you think?

Really nice to see this!
I mostly missed the discussion and work leading to this, so forgive me
if my question is not relevant.
Having played a bit with the choices, I have the idea that people might
need more context or extra pointers with some of the outcomes.
E.g. Marketing > Booth materials just leads to a wiki with a list. A bit
more smart landing place, with intro, pointers and advice how to join,
would make sense, I think.
But maybe this is already planned?


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