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Hi Fabian

Le 2013-01-20 11:00, Fabian Rodriguez a écrit :

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On 13-01-19 05:39 PM, Marc Par← wrote:
This is mostly for Italo but also may interest the rest of the group.

Italo: If you are speaking at a non-technical conference, you may want
to give the audience a quick show as to how implement the use of
personas. [...]

Be prepared to handle the criticism/questions ie. "why develop eye candy
when there are bugs / new unfinished features / existing stuff broken" -
that's the kind of feedback I get when it comes up.

I haven't followed this feature development so I had no idea until
someone brought it up.


Already getting it on the design list[1].

Follow the thread there, I have also responded to the criticism there. It may seem like a "shallow implementation" but in my experience in teaching and observing the kids, this is a really BIG feature that will greatly influence their choice of suites -- as incredible as it sounds to some of us.

I look at functionality first, but quite frankly, I added a personas that I wanted and now have a LibreOffice version of my own (or at least, that's what the kids think ... ahem ... and myself [*smile*])



[1] (Note: click on TOPIC on the left side to follow the rest of the discussion that follows that post.)

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