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For those who are not on the O'Reilly Scale newsletter here is the latest mailout message:


"LINUX TRAINING CLASS: SCALE 11X is reprising last year's very
successful Linux Training class. It's an intensive, two-day training
class the same weekend as the Linux Expo, co-located with the Expo at
the Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel. Presented by volunteer trainers
and presenters, students will come away with the ability to install
and maintain a Linux operating system.

The $35 fee for the class includes installation media, training
handouts, and a pass to the Linux Expo floor (Expo seminar access is
not included because the training class will occupy all of both
Saturday and Sunday).

Students are expected to bring a computer suitable for installing
Linux. Laptops are encouraged but desktops are acceptable.
Installations will be Linux-only; dual-booting is beyond the scope of
this class. So bring a computer you can dedicate to Linux.

For more information on the class and hardware requirements, visit

UpSCALE CFP: Proposals for the UpSCALE Talks are being accepted
between now and Feb. 9. The UpSCALE talks are held in the style of the
Ignite presentations made popular by various O'Reilly sponsored
events. Participants are given five minutes to speak on a subject
accompanied by 20 automatically-advanced slides, making this a fast
paced, fun event for participants and audience.

To submit a topic for consideration, e-mail Gareth Greenaway at

SCALE THE NEXT GENERATION CFP: Proposals for talks by young people for
the SCALE The Next Generation are being accepted between now and Feb.
2. If you are a youth and are excited about Free/Open Source Software,
we encourage you to submit your proposal by midnight of February 2nd.
We will review all the submissions and choose the best talks for the

If you would like to submit a talk proposal you must have an account
on the SCALE website. This can be done by visiting the link below:

Once this is done, follow the instructions on this page to submit the

(Remember to select the youth option for where your talk proposal will

SCALE 11X will be held Feb. 22-24 at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport
Hotel. For more information, visit
<> "

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