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This is mostly a message to Italo and Charles,

When we receive posts on this list that merit blogging, would you like us to help out with putting these items out on our Marketing Blog? Cases in point: the "LibreOffice news in an Indian Newspaper"[1] and Klaibson Ribeiro's neat calendar/tables[2][3].

We could agree on some of the Marketing members being "qualified" to blog about such items on our blog. I could help out if you want and I am sure some of the others on this list, who have good writing/composing in EN, could offer up their help.

We could then encourage more people to report to our marketing list of occasions where LibreOffice makes a splash on some media or in other forms such as usage etc. Something like what we used to do a while back with our indexing magazines etc. on our "LibreOffice in the Press" wiki page.[4] For that matter, would it make more sense for us to blog about articles in the press rather than indexing them? At least then, our blog readers would get more exposure to the LibreOffice brand in the media and get to read up on these articles.

BTW ... Tom is/was the maintainer for the longest time on the "LibreOffice in the Press" page and did a wonderful job it. I don't believe that page is being updated too much anymore, if at all.







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