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Le 2012-11-21 12:58, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

Cor Nouws wrote on 2012-11-21 17:40:

Any relation of the type of business / services to LibreOffice?

hard to tell, since they have no website and I don't know what they

No objection in general. It happens often that a logo is used to show
that a product is supported.
But confusion could pop up...

Maybe it's good to ask an example of the use?
And over time - by confirming or denying some, we'll come to a general

I think I'll ask for a sample with "Proud user of", I liked that
proposal, and then we can decide based on how it looks.


Good points. That sounds even better (thanks for the suggestion Tim and Florian), maybe we could have a couple of these logos for people to choose from:

Proud user of [logo]
Proud supporter of [logo]

I would also use these on my invoices. I have been using the text that shows in my signature but now that I think of it, I could also use the logo ad too.

BTW ... I have gotten a couple of people comment on my signature ad with LibreOffice support and they are testing out LibreOffice (both are University profs). I also have the link without logo on my websites footer , I should put a logo there too to spread the brand logo (for example:

I think the largest concern for me, for invoice/website design, would be the amount of space it takes. We should try to keep this kind of logo (with integrated byline) short. If we were to adopt just the 2 mentioned above we could have the logos done up with byline to the side or underneath/top of our logo.

So we could have the following 6 6 versions to offer for public use:


Proud User of [logo]


Proud Supporter of [logo]


[logo]  <--- centered
Proud User


[logo]   <--- centered
Proud Supporter


Proud User of
[logo]   <--- centered


Proud Supporter of
[logo]   <--- centered




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