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Dear Charles, Florian, Italo, Mark, and Everyone whose names I have forgotten at the moment:


What has presented with the recent spate of activity with "Dubious Claims" and the like reminds me 
very much of the character, "Ellsworth Toohey" in Ayn Rand's book "The Fountainhead".  There will 
always be those "presstitutes" [sic] that for whatever reason will sell out to the highest bidder 
and those such as Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950's that are party to destructive happenings.  
The flashes in the pan are fleeting and eventually are eclipsed from the limelight by those with 
repeatable verifiable foundational principles.  No matter the current wizard behind the curtain as 
in "The Wizard of Oz" they will come and go as this goes with the territory.  In Hollywood there is 
the saying that it is better to be talked about than not at all.  In that there is the value for if 
what is being substantively accomplished by all of those involved in any capacity at LibreOffice 
and The Document Foundation were not some type of threat to those with vested entrenched interests, 
the mercenary jackals would not be called upon to ply their trade as was the case with Edward 
Bernays and the public relations spin industry he created.   Vested interests uphold the status quo 
by captive licensings and engineered dependencies as they are deficient in supporting and 
cultivating innovation(s) and progress in "The True Spirit of Freedom".   


I have been meaning to comment on the wonderful work the lady in Brazil has been doing, yet her 
name escapes me.  Regardless of my lapse, Kudos to her and all those like her the world over whose 
efforts and achievements are second to none.   Each and every single one of you of this calibre 
form the visible and invisible hands of deep history that reach far into the future; keep your 
momentum and enthusiasm as others with whom you have never met and will never know will earnestly 
give thanks to you, your efforts and achievements.    


I have to be on to other tasks at hand.  


Until the next time,


All the Best ("На все добре" in Ukrainian),






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