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Le 2012-02-20 12:59, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

Charles-H.Schulz wrote on 2012-02-19 14:15:

What do the others think? Might this approach be better than adding a
graphical element to our paper clip icon? From a legal point of view, it
definitely is better, I don't feel too comfortable with allowing major
modifications to our logo...

I indeed like it very much.

Adriano, would that work for you?


You should perhaps specify if the TDF subline should be used or not. Perhaps the following could work?:


For the use of the TDF subline, there should be a process where a group applies for its official recognized use and gets permission from TDF.

For the use without a subline, then any NL group could make use of it, recognizing the fact that its use does not in any way infer support from the TDF officially.


This would essentially be the same rules as the use of the LibreOffice logo with or without subline.

If this were the case, then we could post the logo + NL panel logo to the wiki for groups to make use of it, if they wish. [1]




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