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I think that the best way to make good use of these stats still remains
the "classical" way of pushing them through blogs and the various social

Στις 10/02/2012 02:14 μμ, ο/η Danishka Navin έγραψε:
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Florian Effenberger <> wrote:
I think the splashscreen is the wrong place. We should blog, write and
tweet about it, but the splashscreen should stay neutral, IMHO. :-)
If I were to take my own reaction and way of thinking about it as a
criterion, I would say that the splashscreen seems the wrong place to me
how many people read the TDF or LiBo related blogs? 
IMHO very few......
but how many people use Libo?
The answer is obvious: all of them
why do not we let the user to read the TDF news/blogs via the product they

may be an addon which pull the feed from TDF blogs or twitter feeds or
selective tags, etc

This is all about how do we update our users instead of traditional methods
I like the alternative idea about offering some hints to the users,
through the programme itself, so as to encourage them to go and read by
themselves the blogs or the twitter feeds. But it should be just
"proposed" (informing and inducing them to seek more info), and NOT
"imposed" (as in the case of the splashscreen).

Regards to all


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