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On Sat, 2011-10-22 at 12:46 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote: 

I recall Drew was working on a new donation page, but due to the 
conference, I honestly lost plot on this a bit.

Drew, can you let me know the status quo?

Pretty much where it was with my last email..which might be good.

and that was: 
- added an unpublished Donate page to the site
 - the actual donate form didn't work, my fault as I simply did
   a copy paste from the challenge site..I'll look in the email
   archive for the hows and whys and hows.
 - also tried to create a couple of virtual pages, but then this is
   not correct if you think about it as this approach to different 
   languages wasn't virtual pages.

I suppose the thing to do now is just to finish the en page and to do
that how about we look again at


my first thought was simply to move that page to

but I suppose this is also a great moment to re-write that page a's seems a little sparse on actual copy that ASKS for a

Also, noted the email from Sophie about the update to the SPI donation
page, that reference needs to be updated on this page. is the text from the first paragraph on the page:
All donations will be fed directly into the future foundation's budget
to cover operating expenses.

Freies Office Deutschland e.V. is a German-based association. Donations
to it are tax-deductible inside Germany. For information on
tax-deductibility outside Germany please contact your local tax office.


followed by a list of donation sites:
-bank transfer
-paypal widget

so it's a long page that the user must scroll down. [1]

Alright - I guess the first thing is that first paragraph, that's short
and sweet but maybe just one initial sentence as to why 'they' should

hmmm... I need to go paint a few window frames, now while it is a bright
sunny fall day [a shrinking resource this year]...and will think about
that first sentence while watching the brush strokes.

Back in a few hours with a draft then,


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