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On 02/28/2011 10:44 AM, Bruce Martin wrote:
Hi everyone:

I am in Canada, and, unfortunately do not speak Brasilero Portuguesa, so I can't relate to much of that one.
I have recently downloaded LibreOffice for Windows, and soon will 
install it on one of my machines.
If all goes well, I will then extend it to the others, and into Linux 
(Fedora 13 i386 and Fedora 14 x-86_64)
Since I have a lot of hardware peripherals connected, this should 
produce some interesting observations over time.
I speak, read and write English, French (almost as well) and Spanish 
to a lesser degree, and I find languages, linguistics and cultural 
analysis a lot of fun, but I am also obliged to spread myself thinner 
than I would really like for economic reasons, and that may be the 
biggest limiting factor.
Best Regards,

Bruce Martin

I installed the Windows version [all languages] to my Vista Laptop to test out some of the Windows setup options. I think the "multi language" version [smaller file size] may be the route to go if you are just wanting English [default] and French. I did have to go an do the "custom install" to pick my languages that I wanted to add, other than the default English install. I wanted to try 5 or more languages to see how that works.
Under "Tools/Language" option you can set the language of your text.  
What you do to change the language of the menus is something I have not 
tried, since I speak English and not any other language.
The only issue I had was the fact that you needed to know that for 
multiple languages [for at lease the all language version] in your 
initial install, you have to use the "custom" install option[s].  Other 
than that, it worked great.  I wish MSO was as easy, from what it was 
like for MSO 2003 pro version.  The ease of install and setup is one of 
my things I tell people about.  It is much easier to install than . . . . .

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