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Hello localisers,

I hope everyone is aware that we can make proposals for TDF's 2025 budget. A couple of years ago we got improvements to Weblate paid by TDF, for example. This year's proposals are here:

Here are a few things off the top of my head where I think there's room for improvement in Weblate:

* Updates often seem to be a case of two steps forward, one step back. More automated tests in Weblate could reduce regressions.

* Funding a third party usability test could help with both finding usability issues and convincing the developers that they are indeed issues.

* The glossary functionality could be further improved.

* Many people would probably appreciate machine translation functionality (it's not really on my own wishlist, though).

In the 2024 budget wiki page there were also other ideas related to l10n/i18n, which are probably still relevant:

Do we have more ideas? (And people to write and back the proposals?)

Best regards,

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