My mistake from The placeholder
ist still a good solution for the eight TOX types aka table of content types
(see sw/inc/toxe.hxx) but it definitely deserves a hint for translators
(possible even in hrc files). My apologies.
On 17.01.25 3:24 PM, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Fri, 2025-01-17 at 14:58 +0100, sophi wrote:
In case it's not possible to avoid using those placeholders, please
add comments for translators, preferably in the source string
description (where the KeyID is located), or otherwise in the source
file at the location of the string.
FWIW, here's a sample .hrc comment intended for translators:
Which gettext is supposed to extract and make available in the output
.po files that translating works from.
While in the .ui files, in glade there is a "Comments for translators"
option when editing a translatable string which will add the
appropriate "comments" attribute into the .ui
If translators have had to painfully figure out something about a
translation it might be worth considering submitting patches to put
that info back into the source .hrc/.ui as comments.
Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Architect and UI-Designer
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