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Hi Christian

Thanks for the information that it will not be necessary to repeat the translations. I am not sure 
where to find the tools, though. Among other things, you wrote:

(go to component → Tools → Auto Translate and to be sure filter to
untranslated strings switch to machine translation and select weblate
translation memory and set the score threshold to 100 (you can go
lower in a second pass with the add as suggestion or flag with need
editing to manually review them)

In the general overview for Danish, the "Tools" menu contains only one option: "Failing checks".
In the LibreOffice Help - 25.2 / Danish collection, the "Tools" menu contains "Search and replace" 
and "Failing checks".
In LibreOffice Help – 25.2 text/scalc/01 Danish (with 521 unfinished / reverted strings), the 
"Tools" menu contains "Search and replace", "Data exports", and "Failing checks".
I have not yet found a place, where the Tools menu contains autotranslation. I do not know if I am 
looking in the wrong places, or if it might be a tool that requires more rights than I have?

In any case, it would be great if your optimistic closing sentence could be successful!

I guess I can automate this for all-languages using calls to the API....


Best regards,

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