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2015-12-16 11:05, Michael Bauer wrote:

Sgrìobh Sophie na leanas 16/12/2015 aig 08:56:
The help on the wiki is exactly the same as the built in help, it's
just an export from what you find on Pootle. 
Seriously? Yikes...

Michael, look on the bright side: at least it's a single set of
information, not two concurrent efforts.

As already said numerous times here, the aim is to have the ability
to maintain the help in the wiki and still provide on line and off
line help. Not everybody has a connection at low cost, not everybody
is allowed to access the internet in his work, etc... For the moment,
Olivier, Jay, Lera are working on simplifying the use of the help
authoring extension, but it's until the remaining technical problems
with the export to the wiki are solved. Cheers Sophie 

*to* the wiki? Shouldn't it be the other way round? I have seen
in-built Help which was essentially a wiki export but never to date
the other way round, at least not knowingly.

Well, the goal sounds good to me, and if we're moving towards it, that's
fine. I suppose that the content made available for localization is an
export from the English wiki, right? Otherwise, if the content is being
authored externally, and all wikis are just exports of that external
content, I'd say we shouldn't call them wikis at all.


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