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Hi Valeria, *,

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 10:57 PM, Valeria Siano <> wrote:
In particular this survey is just part of a study analysing non-experienced
translators' reaction to Pootle and Virtaal. I would like to figure out
which tool would be better for a beginner in FOSS projects.
I think the comparison of those two is bad, since they serve different purposes.

I won't recommend anyone to start translating from scratch using
pootle for example. If you start off with lots of untranslated
strings, then offline translation is much more convenient and faster.
But if you're nearing completion and have a larger team that
translates concurrently, then using something like pootle comes in
handy. (suggestions / reviewer / immediate update to avoid duplicate

So the premise is: Does a translator join a nearly complete project,
or does he start with ~nothing translated already.

from my POV It's not either or, but when to use one or the other.

Also from a project level/non-translator POV having a central source
for the translations is very convenient. No need to ask translators to
send in their files and then likely having to process them further.
Just grabbing all translations from pootle and having a %-translated
overview for all languages is a nice thing to have.


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