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Hi Sophie, *,

Thank you for your warm word to me.

I've seen on your blog about the Hackathon that you've to translate
several strings because of a wrong update of the template where the
French strings has replaced Japanese.

Please, next time you encounter such thing, come on this list and tell
us before you translate again. Do not think it's your mistake, it's a
Pootle one. And even if we do a mistake, before the update Christian has
saved all the translations on Git so we are always able to revert
whatever happens in Pootle to the last handoff.
Yes, my mistake is not operating Pootle, but I let all of our (Japanese)
translators stayh there, and let you know something wrong, when our
member found something happened.
At first I thought it's not a big deal so we can fix ourself easily, but
unfortunately, it's not true...

I feel sorry for the extra work it gave you, so please don't hesitate
next time to ask here or even directly to me.
We promise, we'll do so in the future.
# Hopefully we'll not have the opportunity to do that.
# Plz, Pootle ;).

And, by the way, congratulations for your first hackathon, really great
blog to read :)
Thanks. It's good to me :)

Naruhiko Ogasawara (

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