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On 10/27/2017 04:49 PM, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
But still, I see the Thorsten's point why it would be easier for people
in many cases; that's why I proposed the 'automatic, but ending up as
an additional changeset' way, that at least gives a chance to inspect &
do something about that.

I'd propose to have three things:

1 A pre-commit--hook version of the clang-format check (that prevents the commit if it fails) that runs iff clang-format is found locally. (With the assumption that "core" committers will have clang-format installed locally, especially if they commit directly without going via Gerrit.)

2 A Gerrit version of the clang-format check that is run for every Gerrit patch set, and sets some "Code-Style: -1/+1" Gerrit flag as discussed in David's recent mail ("Gerrit Code-Style verification -- was ESC / Rome discussion ..."). (For the cases that pass through Gerrit and that (1) above misses, like changes from---casual---committers that do not have clang-format installed locally, or direct edits in the Gerrit web UI.)

3 A Gerrit web UI button that allows to run clang-format on a specific Gerrit change and produces a new patch set if necessary (somewhat similar to the existing rebase button; useful for---casual---committers that do not have clang-format installed locally, if (2) above marked their change as "Code-Style: -1".)


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