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Hi Miklos,

Miklos Vajna píše v Pá 27. 10. 2017 v 15:07 +0200:

Yes, this is technically possible, though needs understanding how
Jenkins, Gerrit, other TDF infra bits fit together -- compared to
hacking the git pre-commit perl script. Somebody needs to do that

Oh yes, first things first of course :-)

Ie. no modification under the hands for people who use the style
checking themselves, but for those who don't do it, the bot would
rewrite their patch - does that work?

I think it could, though that still means reformat will happen after
commit, so if you push a series of commits to gerrit, you can easily
up with conflicts. If the style check happens at commit time, this is
not an issue.

Good point - another reason why not to do the rewriting completely
automatically server side I guess.

But still, I see the Thorsten's point why it would be easier for people
in many cases; that's why I proposed the 'automatic, but ending up as
an additional changeset' way, that at least gives a chance to inspect &
do something about that.

All the best,


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