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Thank you Michael for your suggestion. I was able to rectify that error by using the --enable-64-bit flag and also, configured the build successfully. Now, I am trying to build the right version of the make file to build and run libreOffice.

Thank you again!


Koushik Sekhar

by using the flag --enable-64-bit

On 10/24/2017 12:10 PM, Michael Stahl wrote:
On 24.10.2017 20:37, Koushik Sekhar wrote:
I have installed Visual Studio 2015 update 3 on my system. I figured out
that VC++ was not installed so installed the same and ran a small
program to verified the same. Now, when I ran the \ file
again, I am getting error again.
that's great, the error is not related to Visual Studio so that
hopefully works now!

Below message shows the error:

configure: error: No JDK found, pass the --with-jdk-home option pointing
to a 32 bit JDK
Error running configure at /cygdrive/c/sources/libo-core/ line

I am using a 64-bit windows system and so I installed a 64-bit JDK. Is
it necessary that I install a 32-bit JDK now?  Also, could I use any
version for the JDK or is there any specific JDK version I should use?
by default, a 32-bit LO will be built, which requires a 32-bit JDK.  but
you can also build a 64-bit LO by using the flag --enable-64-bit, in
which case your installed JDK should work fine.



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